Sneaker copying newbies often shrug when they are told to join a cook group, not even our cook groups. As you'll soon find out, they're one of the most crucial parts of successful sneaker copping, especially for the market newcomers. I'm assuming you already know what sneaker copping is, right?
About Cop Sneakers
Just in case, let me recap basically, it's the process of buying limited edition sneakers from online shoe stores. Like Adidas or Nike, stocks are limited, and many of us are trying to get our hands on them.
Or, in other words, cop sneakers get sold out within seconds. To get at least one pair of sneakerheads, use various tools and techniques you can find out about them from many resources.
What Does Sneaker Cook Group Do?
Let's admit it eventually: you'll need more information on drop dates, release values, and so on. And that's where the cook groups come in handy, very handy to put it simply. Sneaker Cook Groups are communities of people who love and care about sneakers. They help each other make the best decisions for their collection, and it's easy for people to find one in their area.
Many cooks groups can be found on exclusive private Slack, Discord and Skype servers. They will typically charge you a subscription fee so that you can continue using them long term. Aside from community support and chit-chats, what cook groups offer varies from one group to another. Let's discuss what features you can expect from a group.
Many groups have a release monitor. They scrape sneaker websites 24/7, keep you notified about new releases, and allow for in-depth analysis.
Some larger groups even monitor many sites to stay on top of trends and product development. This is one of their most valuable features and an integral part of their success. Because it also notifies you about shock drops that aren't on release calendars.
Many cook groups also provide you with early links. These are URL addresses that you can plug into your sneaker bot tasks. Setting up the bot before the release saves time and gives you better chances to cop an established cook group like an encyclopedia of knowledge about sneaker copying. You can use it to learn about the trade in general or about specific releases.
If you're new to copying, you'll definitely benefit from reselling advice. Some cook groups offer a service which tells you how to buy used shoes in the best way possible. They also offer sizing advice, estimated resale price-rapping information, and expiration date information.
Setting up your bot is challenging, especially for newbies who have multiple settings on their shoe bots. For example, a fast mode for less protected websites or a human-like mode for the harder targets. There are keywords for shoes.
Good sneaker bots allow you to grab a limited number of exclusive shoes that are almost always sold out. A cook group provide an easy way to buy, so if there's something you need in your size that isn't available anywhere else, this is your chance.
In the same way, you can get sneaker proxies and sneaker servers at a discounted price. A group can also have tools that automatically monitor bot prices, generate accounts check your address, help you make multiple entries in raffles, generate Ebay views, and so on.
Some cook groups even make SMS alerts, mobile apps, Funco trading reshipping services, and even stock advice. I don't want to risk my money, but maybe you can try.
Have you already used a cook group before? Did you find it useful? Well, let us know in the comments below. You probably already know that starting with sneaker copying requires some initial investment. So, you might wonder if the paid cook groups are even worth it.
Should You Trust Free Cook Groups?
Maybe you should just go with a free one instead in many ways. Free cook groups offer the same features as paid ones. You get release monitors early links the community to chat with.
But that's only at first glance. In reality, a food delivery service offering a free trial is going to give you an inferior experience with slower monitors, worse support and fewer guides flowing. Some might try to monetize you in other ways because we all have money and it's up to the company how they make their profit.
What about Beta Cook Groups?
Beta cook groups are newly formed communities looking to attract members and then get paid. Their quality is often decent. But then again, you'll have to constantly be on the move, settle down, and drop the cash anyway. So considering what you'd get for the membership, I'd say that paid groups are worth it.
If you're looking to resell, there's another type worth mentioning. Too many of the better sneaker bots have their own Discord cook groups. They function both as a licensed key and a community.
The difference between private cook groups and bot cook groups is that scope bot groups focus on setup instructions, bot changes announcements, and things like that. But on the other hand, private cook groups cover a much wider range of topics.
How to Join a Cook Group?
So, how do you get into a cook group? There are multiple ways to find a group of people who share your interests and hobbies online. You can visit subreddits on Twitter, look for Discord servers tagged #cook group, or check out sites like for groups you're interested in joining. Most groups will have good reputations and a strong following because of their consistent content, so that's another way to know.
The private cook groups that people join now often charge a monthly subscription fee for memberships. Their prices start around $20 USD per month and go all the way up to $60 USD, depending on which services you want access to. Some of them even offer tiered fees so that there's more of a cost-benefit when you get more than one type of service as an added bonus.
Private cook groups are often sold out. You can either wait for a slot to drop and buy yourself in or buy a membership in the aftermarket.
I hope this article helps!