How many active blogs on the internet today? According to, the cumulative number of the active blog from Tumblr platform is at least 400 millions of blogs. Now, can you imagine the numbers that you will get if you also put the other platform in the statistic? It can easily reach a billion and even more. So, what does this means?
With so many active blogs today, it means you will have more competitors to beat. And, that wouldn’t be something easy to do. In the worst case, enter the top rank of a search engine is only a dream for you. However, you don’t need to worry. With the right strategy and content, you can increase your blog position. And, we have the outbound link strategy here.
The outbound link can help your blog to have a better position on the search engine page. More than that, it also can improve your blog authority. But, how outbound link improves your blog authority and ranking? Before we move to that part, let’s look at the outbound link first.
What is Outbound Link?
We can simply describe outbound link as the link that will take your visitor or anyone who clicks it to another blog or website. So, this is the link will direct your visitor to go outside your blog.
Why would we direct out a visitor to another website or blog? Doesn’t that only make our blog lose the visitor? The effect is the opposite.
Here are the reasons.
1. Trusted Source
The most important thing here is choosing the right place at the end of the outbound link that you use.
You must choose the blog or website that is reliable, trusted, and popular for the outbound link. That blog or website must have detailed and high-quality information regarding the part of the topic that you use in the article. So, we also can call them as the supporter source or backup.
By having a reliable backup or source, you will create content that your visitor can trust and count on. This will make your visitor keep visiting your blog and use your content. And, it will affect the authority ranking of your blog. Improved authority rank will help your blog to be easily recognized. This will improve its rank on search engine.
2. Search Engine Page Rank Booster
You also can see the trusted outbound link as the rank booster for your blog. Basically, you try to use the popularity that those trusted sources to increase your blog popularity.
The Google search engine algorithm also put this matter into its formula, when it decides a blog page rank. So, the high-quality outbound link will lead your blog into higher page rank as well.
3. Attract More Unique Visitors
The link will make your blog has a clear and distinctive topic that internet users can easily recognize. Therefore, the keyword that you use will have a much better effect to find the internet users that need information related to that keyword.
In the simplest way, the search engine will easily put your blog into the right category.
When your blog enters the right category of searching, you can easily find people that need your content. And, this will improve the chance of the new visit from a new visitor. If your content can really help them, they will become your regular visitor. And, it will give you a lot of benefits.
4. Active Participant in That Environment
By using the outbound link to a specific source, it also shows that your blog actively participates in the topic that you use in that content.
Doing it will help you to get better recognition. You also can raise your blog popularity with this method. And, this will help you to improve your blog rank on the search engine page. More visitors, more visible.
It will also make your blog connected to another blog or website. In the end, it will create a big network that can make the search for information become much easier. This condition is also good for your blog SEO, as mentioned by Good SEO means your blog will have a better way to get more visitors.
5. Easily Create Reliable Content
As mentioned before, you must use the reliable source at the end of your outbound links. This is a smart method to create reliable content for your blog.
The reliable content will keep the visitor come to your blog. It will increase your traffic level which also improves your blog authority and rank.
Why we said “easily”? You must admit that providing detail and full content of specific topic is an impossible thing to do with just one article. For example, you create a content of about 10 best PC games.
Do you want to write everything in detail about each game that you put in the list? That would take forever, and if you even write it all, it will become a very long article.
People use the internet to make everything easier. They want to get information that they need right away. So, a very long article like we mentioned above is bad for your blog. They will leave your blog once they see how many words they must read.
However, the outbound link will simplify that matter. We can see it as the option for your visitor. So, for the 10 best PC games article example, you will provide the external source for each game. If your visitor interested in one of the games, they can follow that link. And it will make them easily get the information that they need.
Therefore, the key here is easy information. That is what people want from online content. And that’s also what makes your content reliable for them. Plus, you can do that easily with a link.
6. Improve Your Blog Authority + Popularity
Blog authority rank is the rank that shows how reliable your blog really is. To create a blog that can be relied on, you must provide reliable content. And, we tell you above how to create reliable content easily, don’t we? Yes, you use the high-quality outbound links.
With higher blog authority rank, the search engine will keep recommending your blog to the internet users that use the specific keywords related to your content. And, that will give you more visitors. But, it doesn’t stop from that point.
Higher blog authority rank also affects the marketing of your blog. So, in term of popularity, you can easily increase it. People (other blog owners) who think that your blog has high authority rank will see it as a reliable source. We mentioned above that the reliable source is a good source for outbound link, right?
That means they will use your blog as their outbound link source. With more blog mention about your content, you can easily see it as a good marketing to improve your blog popularity. And this is also the important factor that will affect your blog position on the search engine page.
7. The Things that You Should Remember!
Basically, there are many more reasons why you should use outbound links on your blog content. Those 6 are the most beneficial things you can get for your blog.
However, you also need to remember few things below, before and when you use outbound links. They are important to prevent many problems in the future.
8. Do Not Overuse the Outbound Link
The first thing to remember is you can’t use too many outbound links in your content. Using too much link will create a negative effect.
It will make your blog seems unreliable at all, because you depend too much on other sources. In the end, it will only make your visitor leave your blog more often.
The search engine also sees the overuse outbound link as the act of spamming. It won’t improve your blog SEO rank. In fact, it will do the opposite.
Your blog will lose the position a lot. So, do not surprise if you find that your blog drops to the lowest rank that you’d never imagined before.
9. Blacklisted
As we mentioned before, the outbound link will improve your blog authority. More than that, other blogs that use your blog content as a resource for their content also will promote your blog.
Now, if you have two blogs and using the outbound link to each other, isn’t that the ingenious way to build the blog rank? Yes, it did. You can see, we use the past tense here.
Nowadays, the search engine changes their algorithm to prevent this cheating method when they decide the blog rank. So, if you use this method, they will put your blog into the blacklist. It gives you nothing but a problem.
You won’t be able to improve its rank and get more popularity. The solution is creating a new blog and start from scratch.
10. Helpful Resource
The main purpose of creating a content that you post on your blog is to help your visitor or providing the solution for them, right? Therefore, one thing that you must remember is also providing a helpful resource at the end of your outbound links.
If you don’t use helpful resource for your outbound link and just pick any source, it will be the same with spamming. And, we explained above, spamming will only give you problem. So, don’t do it!
10. Links Placement
The outbound link is like keywords. You must know the right place to place it in your content. Place it naturally, and it will improve your content value.
If you force to put the link, it will only give you bad SEO effect. Your visitor also will see it as clear as the day that you just try to spam them with these links.
Therefore, choose the correct place. But, more importantly, place it naturally, so it blends with your content well. Make it like when your visitor read that content, they find it naturally as they need further information on that topic.
11. Pay Attention to The Comments
The outbound link isn’t only the link that can be found in your content. Any link that ends up to other blog or website on the page where you post your content is also considered to be outbound links. So, if your visitor adds a link in their comment, it will become the outbound link that affects your content.
Pay attention to these links, because it will give you either a bad or good effect. You will get the only good effect if the link directs you to the good and reliable source. You can see it as the appreciation from your visitor that sees how reliable your content really is.
The bad effect comes when the link that your visitor leaves in the comment section has no relation to your content topic. In fact, it only promotes their blog or website. In the worst case, that link will end up at the dangerous place that full of virus and malware.
The outbound link in the comment section also can become spamming links lots of bad guys use black hat SEO such as GSA Search Engine Rankerto auto building comment links. Usually, the visitor that does this will post many comments with the links. It will only make other visitors uncomfortable and leave your blog.
You can use two solutions for this problem. The first one is you use a specific script that will prevent any link to be posted on the comment section. It will limit your visitor freedom to write a comment.
But, it’s necessary, if you want to protect your blog from the unwanted outbound link.
The second method is using the mediation method.
There is a feature in the blog platform where the comment needs to be mediated first before it shows on the page. With this method, you can easily filter the unwanted comment with dangerous outbound links.
The outbound links are important for your blog. It will give you many benefits that can improve your blog authority and ranks.
However, you also need to be extra careful when you use it. Otherwise, it will only give you bad and even worst effect on your blog.