Wondering if you can play Forsaken and its iconic campaign for free in Destiny 2 nowadays? I‘ve got you covered, guardian.
The short answer is: Unfortunately, no – Forsaken is not free in 2024. But let‘s dive deeper into the whens, whys, and hows so you can make an informed decision!
See, I vividly remember experiencing Forsaken at launch. That shocking opening mission, exploring the Tangled Shore, avenging Cayde-6 – it sticks with you!
Forsaken really shaped Destiny 2‘s identity and saved the game after some early stumbles. So I get why longtime players feel its absence today.
Let me walk you through everything in an easy-to-follow guide, friend. I promise it‘ll be worth your time if you‘re curious about Forsaken in 2024!
When Was Forsaken Free? A Limited Time Offer
Bungie actually made Forsaken free for all players for a limited time leading up to its vaulting. This enabled folks to experience the story campaign and Tangled Shore destination before it departed.
Here‘s a quick timeline so you can get up to speed:
- September 2018 – Forsaken Launches as paid expansion
- December 2019 – Forsaken included with Shadowkeep expansion
- December 2020 – Forsaken made free with Beyond Light expansion
- February 2021 – Forsaken made free for all players until February 2022
- February 22, 2022 – Forsaken campaign and Tangled Shore destination vaulted
See the key date? As of February 2022, the free offer ended when Bungie removed Forsaken from Destiny 2.
So while you had a window to play it gratis, Forsaken is no longer free now that it‘s been vaulted. A bummer for sure!
Now let‘s talk about…
What Forsaken Content is Still Around After the Vaulting
When Destiny content enters the DCV (Destiny Content Vault), it doesn‘t mean it‘s necessarily gone for good. Bungie can bring back vaulted content in the future (but more on that later).
For now, here are the parts of Forsaken that are still playable even after being removed from the main game:
Last Wish Raid – This beloved six-player raid is still kickin‘ in the Legends section. The visuals and loot still hold up!
Forsaken Exotics – All the Exotic weapons and armor from Year 2 remain obtainable, like Ace of Spades, One Thousand Voices, etc.
Year 4 Seasonal Content – Some seasons between Forsaken and Beyond Light stuck around, like Season of the Hunt and Season of the Chosen.
The Dreaming City – This ethereal Awoken destination remains open for activities like Blind Well, Petra Venj bounties, and Ascendant Challenges.
So while big chunks are gone, parts of Forsaken persist through raids, exotics, and the Dreaming City. Definitely not the full experience, but longtime players like me appreciate keeping what we can!
Now, for the key question…
Is There Any Way to Play Forsaken‘s Campaign in 2024?
This is the sad part for new players. With the story campaign vaulted, there is simply no way to experience Forsaken‘s iconic narrative today.
Believe me, I wish newcomers could see Cayde‘s last stand themselves! It used to be veterans could replay the campaign each time on alternate characters.
But with that option gone, neither new lights nor veterans can replay Forsaken‘s campaign at this time. Your only options are watching recap videos or reading summaries.
Trust me, it hurts not being able to guide new players through Forsaken‘s story myself nowadays! But while it‘s vaulted, the campaign remains off limits – even if you purchase it.
However, Bungie hasn‘t ruled out unvaulting content someday. So hang onto hope we might all get to play it again, my friend!
Now let‘s talk about…
Why Forsaken Got Vaulted in 2022
I‘m sure you‘re wondering why such a beloved expansion got removed at all. Believe me, this was not an easy decision for Bungie.
It comes down to Destiny 2‘s tricky balancing act. Each annual expansion increased the game‘s scope and complexity. At a certain point, it‘s hard to maintain.
So Bungie made a tough call – cycle out older content via the DCV to make room for the new. Locations, activities, even full expansions can get vaulted.
Forsaken‘s removal lightened things for the massive Witch Queen expansion in 2022.Vaulting the campaign, Tangled Shore, and Year 4 seasons freed up bandwidth.
The silver lining is Bungie won‘t vault entire expansions anymore. So Shadowkeep and beyond are here to stay. Phew!
But for Forsaken, the technical limitations meant its time had come. I‘m hopeful we‘ll see it again someday!
Is Forsaken Worth Playing in 2024?
You might be wondering if Forsaken is even worth it nowadays with so much content removed. Let me break it down:
For Campaign & Story – Obviously a hard sell with the campaign gone. But get the lore elsewhere to appreciate Forsaken‘s impact!
For Raids & Endgame – Last Wish still brings awesome loot and challenges. And the Dreaming City has great endgame activities even now.
For Exotics – From Ace to 1K Voices, Forsaken‘s exotics remain elite. Chasing these prizes alone could be worth it!
For Content Volume – Modern expansions like Witch Queen outpace it now. But Forsaken still has a decent amount for dedicated players.
As a Collection – Grabbing Forsaken completes your collection if you‘re a veteran. But less enticing as a standalone purchase.
See what I mean? For nostalgic players like me, what remains is still powerful and meaningful. But for newcomers, recent expansions offer way more playtime and storytelling.
Ultimately it comes down to your specific interests and needs as a guardian! Now, with all that said…
Is Destiny 2 Worth Playing For Free?
Let‘s say you don‘t want to buy older expansions. Is Destiny 2 still worthwhile in 2024 as a free-to-play game?
In my opinion, absolutely! Here is just some of what you can experience at no cost:
- The entire New Light intro campaign
- Core activities like strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and more
- Destinations like Europa, Cosmodrome, Moon for exploration
- Free seasonal content like Ketchcrash, seasonal storylines
- Early raids like Vault of Glass and King‘s Fall
Will paying players get more value overall? Sure. But Destiny 2‘s free content is incredibly robust on its own.
You really get a killer sampling of satisfying loot shooting for zero dollars. And seasonal releases add new areas and gear frequently.
So if you‘re curious about Destiny 2, by all means try it out free first! The free ride alone will show why veterans love this world so much.
Okay, time for your big question…
Should I Buy Forsaken in 2024?
For players on the fence about grabbing Forsaken today, here are the key pros and cons to consider:
- Iconic Last Wish raid with cool armor and weapons
- Strong Year 2 Exotics like Ace of Spades to chase
- Dreaming City offers great high-level activities
- Discounted to $20 or under frequently
- Part of a complete collection of expansions
- Beloved campaign and story are unavailable
- Most Year 2 seasonal content is now vaulted
- Less overall content than newer expansions
- Missing pieces can feel fragmented
Given how much is vaulted, Forsaken becomes hard to recommend at full price nowadays. But when discounted $20 or under? The remaining content justifies the price for dedicated players and completionists.
Just be mindful that purchasing it won‘t let you experience the iconic campaign content that put Forsaken on the map originally. Parts of the experience will be missing.
My advice? Wait until it‘s discounted, then grab it for the raids, exotics, and Dreaming City – but temper expectations around missing pieces.
Okay, final few questions before I let you go!
Does Forsaken Transfer Between Platforms via Cross-Save?
Destiny 2‘s cross-save system lets you take your guardian anywhere. But what about owned expansions like Forsaken?
Unfortunately, expansion licenses do not carry between platforms. You have to re-purchase Forsaken separately on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Stadia.
Cross-save transfers all your gear and progress. But accessing paid content requires buying it again per platform.
I know, I know… it stinks. But that‘s just how Bungie‘s cross-save system works. Hopefully that saves you some confusion and disappointment!
Will Forsaken Ever Come Back From the Vault?
Even when content enters the Destiny Content Vault, Bungie could theoretically bring it back someday. We‘ve already seen Cosmodrome and Vault of Glass restored.
Could Forsaken get a similar resurrection down the road? Well, Bungie hasn‘t ruled it out. But with Destiny 2‘s technical challenges, I wouldn‘t bank on vaulted stuff returning too often.
Still, if players really rally for its return, Bungie may find a way to bring back Cayde‘s adventure someday. Guardian optimism never hurts!
For now, only time will tell if this iconic chapter makes a comeback. But whatever happens, its impact on Destiny 2 remains.
The Bottom Line
While Forsaken played a huge role in Destiny 2‘s past, its absence does sting today. Large pieces are permanently vaulted, even if remnants like Last Wish endure.
In most cases, newer expansions eclipse what remains of Forsaken for less experienced players. But for longtime fans, revisiting Year 2 content still brings joy.
Forsaken‘s vaulting doesn‘t have to spell the end. With the DCV, we could see Cayde‘s adventure return down the road. I choose to remain hopeful!
So that covers everything you need to know about Forsaken in 2024, my friend. Let me know if any other questions come up! Enjoy the journey.